According to Bibu Dev Mishra’s “Unraveling the Mysteries of the Yuga Cycle” in March of 2025 a 1.200 year transitional period starts on our way up from the Kali Yuga after 5.700 years of the deepest possible descent into materialism.
Change requires recognition
The Vishnu Pranas, a mythological text of the Hindu’s, described the period like this:
“Kali brought sin into the world. In the Kali Age the proper order of human relations is reversed; social status depends upon the ownership of property; wealth has become the only source of virtue; passion and luxury are the sole bonds between spouses; falsity and lying are the conditions of success in life; sexuality is the sole source of human enjoyment; religion, a superficial and empty ritual, religion is confused with spirituality.”
Let us change time line
The Mahabharata describes the Kali Yuga, as the period where the “Soul of the World” is covered in darkness, where only 1/4 of the virtue, the heart, is preserved in human beings.
I think it explains the world rather well. But do we want more of the same? Fear, separation and war? “Scientisme” – political science instead of true science. How do we contribute to the polarization, the “isms”. Have we learned from indigenous cultures, their ancient wisdom and close ceremonial relationship with land and sky? They knew that we inform “Great Mystery” as much as “Great Mystery” informs us. This living relationship was lost. In part because of a powerful elite, who found ways to keep these mysteries from the people. Who took away their ability to live magically co-creating with the earth and the night sky, Great Mystery.
The shadow side of Aquarius
The question is if we are headed deeper into darkness and materialism through the development of AI/artificial intelligence, as described in “Homo Deus” by Yuval Harari. The favorite philosopher of the global elite, World Economic Forums (WEF). If we have acknowledged the risk of all that power among only a few.
Do they dream of bypassing death? Become artificial “beings”? Carl G. Jung described archetypal evil as non human. That we can become evil, if we lose connection to our soul – to spirit.
Professor in psychology Mattias Desmet talks of the art of resistance; spreading seeds of doubt – words of disagreement. With all the compliance, fear and mass formation we have seen in these past years, we risk totalitarisme. In a totalitarian state ordinary people commit atrocities thinking they are just.
Turning of the Ages
We are living in no ordinary times. This is bigger than the shift from the Age of the Fish to the Age of the Water Bearer estimated to be from 1962 to 2034 with 1998 as the center, the Galactic Cross. According to Daniel Giamario we are at the end and the beginning of a 26.000 year long cycle, if not 12 times 12 Platonic years equalling 312.000 years.
The Universe matches your frequency. Be conscious of your focus. Without denying or bypassing. Feel your heart. When I am sensing into my heart, there is peace. When my vibration is high and loving, then I am not in fear.
According to Lithuanian archeologists and anthropologists global humanity was co-operative and peaceful until around 6.000 years ago. There were no organized armies, and the term“gylani” was an expression of a co-operating, sharing, non-hierarchical community with equality between men and women. That is the society I envision. Let us meet under the sky feeling connected to each other, our earth and our wise ancestors.