META-Health Therapy

Metasundhed hjælper dig til at forstå sygdom og fysiske symptomer, så du kan forløse dine traumer, og blive rask. Annette S Hansen, Bogense, Fyn.

Ryke Hamer is the doctor behind Metamedicin or German New Medicine, which Lars Mygind brought to Denmark under the name META-Health. META meaning “after” or “beyond” – the level above. 

Ryke Hamer developed testicular cancer after his son died, and this led him to an understanding of the body based on the embryology/the fetal development, the 3 germ layers.

META-Health Therapy and a META-Health analysis address the connection between emotions, organs and brain via the embryology as well as the adaptation of the biological intelligence of evolution.

META-Health is learning about the natural biological processes that have evolved over billions of years.

You can read more about META-Health in the book “Alternative Child Psychiatry” by doctor and child psychiatrist Gitte Retbøll. Gitte introduced me to META-Health and Kinesiology. She gave me my first META-Kinetics treatment and from there it took on a life of its own. 

With META-Health I learned that the body is wise. I found out that there is a “bio logic” behind symptoms and illnesses – disease/lack of ease – that I could link to my own life.


Overall, symptoms related to the stomach are about digestion. An example could be if there is a “bite” that you can’t digest/swallow/accept. It can be anything, an incident, an emotion, anger, etc. It is subjective. 

Symptoms related to the urinary tract can be about marking one’s territory/setting boundaries. Symptoms in the intestinal system can relate to having difficulty getting rid of something or someone.

META-Health is further developed by among others the Meta-Health Academy in England, where I have had some of my training, as well as the international association IMMA, and finally the META-Health association in Denmark, where I am a member.

Understanding of Trauma

The word trauma is Greek and means wound. Dr. Ryke Hamer/Metamedicin explained the cause of all physical and mental conditions with a traumatick incident – a UDIN:

An experience that is




Where we have No strategy to deal with what happens.

Therefore, many of our traumas originate in childhood, and they can also be unconscious. We may not know, why we are afraid in certain situations, we just feel the fear. 

We therefore understand trauma as a shock that, regardless of whether it is a small or large shock, settles afterwards as stress or imbalances in our bodies.

We do not tremble and release the energy of the shock like the antelope does after escaping the lion’s chase. We have learned to suck it up. 

The trauma can be seen on a CT scan of the brain (without contrast fluid) related to the relevant organ and brain layer according to the development of the embryo.  

The trauma is stuck in the nervous system. It is energy that can be released using many different methods or corrections. Your body decides which ones.

The Body Remembers

With kinesiology, we do not need a cognitive understanding or memory of what has happened. We cannot express what happened in the time before we developed a language anyway. But we can ask the body. It remembers what happened and when. It can guide us to the discomfort/stress that is in the body, so that we can release it. With the conversation in relation to the results of the tests awareness and understanding is now connected on the way forward.

As an example I was afraid to drive a car for years. On one of the first courses in England, my fellow course participant and I asked for my body to show us, where there was the most stress. My arm/muscle gave way to a conviction that translated into “It is dangerous to be in the world”. No event popped into my mind, so he tested more protocols, gathering more information from when this belief was created. A particular feeling and finally my age came up. Then I suddenly remembered that I was hit by a car at that time. There was no need for a hospital or anything, I landed on top of the cooler after a short flight, but it was still a huge shock when it happened. 

After this stress was relieved, I sped off along the motorways without any problems to a continued great relief and sense of freedom.

Annette SØNDERBY Hansen
Kinesiolog RAB
Shamanic/TOTAMS Astrolog